[för publikationer på svenska, klicka uppe till höger]
- 2024: Intergenerational and Sibling Spillovers in High School Majors. With Gordon Dahl and Dan-Olof Rooth. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 16(3): 133–173 . (also available as IZA discussion paper 15945)
- 2024: Field of Study and Mental Health in Adulthood. With Simona Tudor. Forthcoming: The Journal of Human Resources.
- 2023: High School Majors and Future Earnings. With Gordon Dahl and Dan-Olof Rooth. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15(1), 351-382.
- 2022: Gender Identity and Relative Income within Households - Evidence from Sweden. With Karin Hederos. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 124(3), 744-772.
- 2022: Does Formal Education for Adults Yield Long-Term Multiplier Effects or Human Capital Depreciation? Economics of Education Review 90, 102306.
- 2020: Assessing Selection Bias in Non-Experimental Estimates
of the Returns to Workplace Training. With Jan Saumernann. IZA discussion paper 13789.
- 2018: The Relationship between Hours of Domestic Services and Female Earnings; Panel Register Data Evidence from a Reform. With Karin Halldén. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 55C, 120-133. (WP version 2014).
- 2017: Earnings over the Life Course - General versus Vocational Education. With Bart Golsteyn. Journal of Human Capital, 11(2), 167-212. (WP version 2017)
- 2016: Flexibility at a Cost - Should Governments Stimulate Tertiary Education for Adults? With Olle Westerlund. Journal of the Economics of Ageing (7), 69-86. (WP version 2015)
- 2015: Does Expert Advice Improve Educational Choice? With Lex Borghans and Bart Golsteyn. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0145378.
- 2015: The
long-term earnings consequences of general vs. specific training of the
unemployed. With Olle Westerlund. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 4:22.
- 2014: Does Formal Education for Older Workers Increase Earnings? - Evidence Based on Rich Data and Long-term Follow up, with Xavier de Luna and Olle Westerlund. Labour 28(2), 163-189. (WP version 2011)
- 2013: Education and Retirement: Does University Education at Mid-Age Extend Working Life? With Olle Westerlund. The IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2:16.
- 2013: Interpreting Estimates of Heritability - A Note on the Twin Decomposition. Economics and Human Biology 11, 201-205 .
- 2012: The Shape of the Income Distribution and Economic Growth - Evidence from Swedish Labour Market Regions, with Dan-Olof Rooth. Scottish Journal of Political Economy 59(2), 2012, 196-223. (WP version 2011)
- 2012: Can Adult Upper Secondary Education Delay Retirement from the Labour Market?, with Xavier de Luna and Olle Westerlund. Journal of Population Economics 25(2), 2012, 677-696. (WP version 2008)
- 2012: Access to Education Over the Working Life in Sweden - Priorities, Institutions and Efficiency. OECD Education Working Papers 62.
- 2012: The Impact of Formal Adult Education on the Likelihood of Being Employed: a Comparative Overview. With Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Daniela Vono de Vilhena, Yuliya Kosyakova & Hans-Peter Blossfeld. Studies of Transition States and Societies 4(1), 48-68.
- 2011: Using Longitudinal Data to Evaluate Publicly Provided Formal Education for Low Skilled. Economics of Education Review 30(6), 1262-1280. (WP version 2009)
- 2010: Nature, Nurture and Socioeconomic Policy: What Can We Learn from Molecular Genetics? with Petter Lundborg. Economics and Human Biology 8(3) 2010, 320-330. (WP version 2009)
- 2010: The Impact on Annual Earnings of Adult Upper Secondary Education in Sweden, International Journal of Lifelong Education 29(3), 303-321. (WP version 2007)
- 2008: Does Comprehensive Education Work for the Long Term Unemployed?, with Olle Westerlund. Labour Economics 15(1), 54-67. (WP version 2004)
- 2007: Comprehensive Education or Vocational Training for the Unemployed? International Journal of Manpower 28(1) 2007, 42-61.
- 2005: Comprehensive Education for the Unemployed: Evaluating the Effects on Unemployment of the Adult Education Initiative in Sweden, Labour 19(1) March 2005, 123-146.
- 2004: Higher Education and the determination of Aggregate Male Employment by Age, with Magnus Wikström. Education Economics 12(1) April 2004, 87-101.